Shine in the Dark Pop-up Gallery

A project done in collaboration with Center Baltimore Partnership and Station North Arts District, I helped create the pop-up gallery branding, exhibition signages, and catalogue. The catalogue is riso-printed and runs an edition of 300 copies. The event attracted artists from the community and in turn, built a robust body of work that reflects the vibrance of Station North cultural exchange.

Special thanks to Abby Becker and Maura Dwyer from Central Baltimore Partnership!

See the gallery page here

Exhibition Statement

Shine in the Dark is an invitation to move through 12 artists’ conceptions of the heritage of the Station North Arts District and our collective role therein. The district is comprised of three neighborhoods: Barclay, Charles North, and Greenmount West, located on unceded land of the Piscataway People. The area is the site of Baltimore's unofficial Koreatown. While the city changes around us, our artists are what Baldwin refers to as our spiritual and emotional historians. Take a walk along the perimeter fence to experience an immersive version of Station North in miniature, a series of snapshots from  this unique moment in time. What comes to mind when you are asked to represent the history of a place: an NBA team, a parent, a movement? What is our responsibility to each other as agents of the future; how can we bring the light?

Riso Booklet Guide

Booklet Print Details