Morning Consult—
News & Analysis

News & Analysis was a vertical in Morning Consult that worked specifically with Reports, Think Pieces, and Daily/Monthly/ Quarterly Trackers. In my capacity as a Visual Designer, I supported 5+ monthly/special trackers, 3+ Reports (2 were important and recognizeable launches for the Media & Entertainment team and the Geopolitics team), multiple creative feature images conceptualization, and I worked cross-function with other teams to deliver digital products for this vertical.

Feature Images for Washington Politics topics

View process work for feature images here, and here. Additionally, view the Seen, Read, Heard Campaign Visuals based on this feature image here

Art directed by Sara Wickersham, Nick Fabiani, and Kelly Rice

Feature Images for a Gen Z reporting/story series
Art directed by Kelly Rice, collaborated with Anna Davis
Feature Images for Memos, Research, and Writings

Art directed by Sara Wickersham
1. Report Cover and Template Design for The Year Ahead in Geopolitical Risk 2023

View cover process work here
Art directed by Sara Wickersham

2. Report Cover and Template/Layout Design for Streaming or Struggling? Media & Entertainment Report 2022

Art directed by Sara Wickersham

3. Report Cover and Template Redesign for The State of U.S. China-Relations Report 2022

Art directed by Sara Wickersham

4. Report Cover and Layout Design for Most Trusted Universities Report 2022

Art directed by Natalie White, Sara Wickersham, and Vlad Gorshkov

5. Report Cover and Layout/Graphics Design for Back-to-School Shopping Report 2022

Art directed by Sara Wickersham

Tracker Logos & Tracker Feature Images Collections

During my time as a News & Analysis Designer, I had the opportunity to animate a few tracker logos for Morning Consult’s Tracker projects. I led the visual research, animation, and sizings for web usage. Here are all the trackers that I worked on. Additionally, I created and conceptualized Feature Images for tracker promotions on the Morning Consult website and MC Our Best Intel emails. 

Art directed by Sara Wickersham and Kelly Rice.
Midterm Tracker 2022
My most popular tracker project. View the tracker here.

Emotions Tracker
A tracker for Americans’ general sentiment and attitude. View the tracker here.

Return to Normal Tracker: Consumer Comfort & Views On the Pandemic 2022
Trackers to monitor consumer comfort and views on the pandemic. View them here and here.

Smart Screens Tracker
A tracker to monitor media & entertainment trends. View the tracker here.

Tracker Feature Images Concepts
View the full document here. Additionally, view the News & Analysis sites that utilizes the finalized versions of my concepts (here, here, and here).